Friday, February 26, 2010

one year down

Well for starts I have no idea what to say about the fact that a year ago yesterday my dad passed away. I do know that he may have been taken in battle by cancer, but he was a champion of life. One of my favorite things about my dad was his ability to get business done. I have never met anyone who worked as hard to support a family and make the right choices. I also loved how he took care of my mom. No offense, but even when my mom was doing something I didn't like and felt the need to argue, he would say, "You cant, and I even cant because we are supposed to love her; she is my wife and she is your mom"....that's basically what he was saying. He loved my mom soo well.

I loved how my dad knew how music was one of the most powerful art forms in the world. He gave my brother and I so much support in music and soccer and paintball. Pretty much everything we did. I am glad to say I always wanted my dad to be around supporting me.

I was telling Emily about how I want to be the kind of dad who will always sit and play legos with my kids or whatever they will have. I am just thankful I had a dad who was invested in my life. I know there are so many kids and teenagers who have never had that, and I hate that.

All I know is I could go on for hours about all the awesome things I have done with my, theme parks, trips, disney quest, soccer games, video games...the list could seriously go on forever.

All this good outweighs all the awful, horrible days I had to face and probably will have more of. But I never forget the joy of having a dad and knowing now I will always have two fathers in heaven watching out for me.


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